
  • Discontinue
About Discontinue

Disclaimer: The images and all other content except the development build are from the original game available for Rift and HTC Vive on Steam, Oculus and Viveport store. Which are in the links below. The build is available for personal use only. The build is available so we can learn from user experiences. If you have any questions, comments or would like to share something about the game please reach out via discontinue@postbeta.com

Details: Discontinue is a unique competitive Virtual Reality (VR) Arcade game. The ultimate disc throwing video game experience. With a retro neon game style also called Synthwave or cyberpunk style. Your goal is to survive in a world of obstacles, where you are welcomed as its champion. As you move through this world, you will encounter all kinds of hexagons, which can be helpful or Dangerous.

The world consists of more than 1000 levels, each generated through a seed which you can share with a friend or a foe to compete for the high score. Adding to the replayability. Every seed generates a unique level by combining various handcrafted phases. These phases are displayed as tunnels or arenas and are seamlessly connected in many different orders and variations. All to create fast action paced gameplay mixed with more relaxed puzzle-like or transitional phases.

Tunnels are all about dodging and speed, whilst in the arenas you focus on standing your ground and defeating all obstacles in your way. The various phases combined are designed to provide a rich and impactful sci-fi experience full of new VR action.

Are you up for this challenge?

Features: One player Two handed VR Room-scale VR Multiple Synthwave/cyberpunk style environments Containing both casual and fast-action-paced gameplay Survive Tunnels filled with danger Battle in many different generated Arenas Level select with over a thousand levels/parkour’s Leaderboards – compete for the best score Virtual Reality Arcade Game Enjoy tranquil ambiences Localized in multiple languages

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